Statement for Unity, campaign, Victory: Iran Transition Council (ITC) calls for general strikes

The brutal killing of the young Kurdish girl Ghina created a stormy revolution sweeping across Iran’s geographical expanse for nearly two weeks. The multi-cultural structure in Iran have experienced, for more than 40 years, the consequences of a repressive government who came to power to help and support the oppressed; but has failed. Therefore, the many layers of the society have distant themselves from the Islamic regime. The people of Iran have been patient and given the governing authorities many opportunities to hear and respond to their legitimate demands. But, during the past forty years, one government replacing the previous one, instead of addressing the issues of people needs and demands, became greedier in plundering the nation’s wealth.

Ali Khamenei and the Iran Revolutionary Guard Core (IRGC) with its corrupt and felon infrastructure, the doctrine of religio-sectarian adventurism belief for creating “Shiite Crescent” and a Shiite empire in the Middle East, have virtually set turmoil right across the region. In addition, the regime has pursued the strategy of becoming a nuclear-powered nation. This has alarmed all nations across the globe to stand firm against Iran’s ambitious nuclear strategy by placing sever sanctions on Iran which has created a very grave situation for the life of Iranians. The political and economic inefficiency of the regime has resulted in war, tension, poverty, and misery for the people of Iran. Further, the isolation and attempt in skirting sanctions has created a system of mafia gang ruling in Iran and the region. By the governance of jurists, the Islamic regime has destroyed the thousand years of Iranian culture and civilization . The Islamic regime has in truth pushed our country to the brink of complete annihilation.

During the governance of corrupt jurist theocrats more than 8 million elite Iranian youth including women have been forced to leave their homelands and immigrate throughout the world. Furthermore, Iranian families have been immigrating due to insecurity and unknown future for their own and their children in Iran. Poverty, addiction has overwhelmed our young generation forcing them to prostitution for their basic living necessities. Gender apartheid has forced Iranian women into slavery. Partiality in the Islamic regime governance has caused situations that there is absolutely no hope for the younger generation to remain in the country.

Young girls and boys, mothers and fathers, workers in various culture and ethnicity, schoolteachers, students and university lecturers, artists, writers, lawyers, businessmen and their workforce, young and old in all, have risen to take back their citizenship’s rights from the reperceive rulers who, in the name of God and religion, deny them right to existent, let alone human rights. Turks, Kurds, Baluchis, Arabs and Iranian Turkmens have joined hands in national concert to save Iran. It is vitally important to note, what is happening on the streets of Iran cities is not just a protest, it is a full-scale revolution to replace the Islamic regime with a democratic government that care, protect and save Iranian lives and to prevent procrastinated death.

The citizens of Iran have decided and are determined to cleanse Iran of the despicable and murderous Islamic regime. No citizen of Iran may no longer be an idle observer, the responsibility rest on every single person’s shoulder for this historic transformation. Also, it is a great news that the genuine struggle of Iranian women and the youth has drawn attention and respect from the peace-loving democratic nations of the world.

The ITC, based on its charter, is obligated and strongly feels its responsibility in this historical challenge, and stands side by side with the people of Iran including labor force working in industry, general laborers, schoolteachers, associations, communities, societies, and together call upon businesses and marketplaces to stop operating in support of our young people and start going on strike nationwide from tomorrow Saturday 1 October.

Let’s start and go on strike in support of the protests. Let’s also note civil disobedience of Iranian men and women is only for their right to freedom and therefore will not stop until achieves its objective. Your determination for change is the beginning of a new chapter in the history of our beloved country and the end of the Islamic Republic’s governance.

Go for nationwide strikes

Victory for Women, Life, Freedom” Revolution

The ITC Secretariat

Friday 8 Mehr 1401 30 September 2022