Message of the Secretary General of Iran Transition Council to the Lebanese Nation


To the Struggling and Resistant Nation of Lebanon

Today the world is witnessing with admiration your continuing efforts to free yourselves from political roadblocks and government corruption to build a better future.

You have shown to be the Middle East shining examples of a tolerant society that welcomes cultural and religious diversity and allows freedom of expression for your citizens and media outlets. Despite 25 unfortunate years of war, the Syrian domination, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s interference, and regional tensions, you have maintained your remarkable commitment to social and religious tolerance.

Now, aware of your new global obligations and with unmatched courage, a new generation of Lebanese citizens is crossing tribal and religious boundaries to demand national unity based on the civil rights of all people. Historical barriers are continuing to fall, but at the same time, the Islamic Republic is serving its own ideological interests by using proxy groups to try and impose political Shiism on your tolerant, multicultural society.

The Lebanese people are determined to rid themselves of politicians and rulers who support these corrupt aggressors and adventurers in Lebanese affairs. By doing so, Lebanon will restore its own government and regain its destiny. Victory belongs to you in this critically important national endeavor.

The “Iran Transitional Council from Islamic Republic to Democracy” supports your rightful demands. It condemns the Islamic Republic and its proxies for interfering in Lebanon’s affairs by spreading corruption and creating polarization to further its hostile intentions.

Wishing you victory in building a democratic and peaceful Lebanon.

Secretary General of Iran Transition Council

Hassan Shariatmadari

November 12, 2019